
Showing posts from February, 2018

Refund Consulting Program- Reviewing the Industry 18 Years After Inception

As you are aware the refund industry is something of a gold mine at the moment, but it wasn't always like this- 18 years ago no one had even heard of lost monies or assets. Myriam Borg went about founding an industry around the refunding of lost monies, savings, deceased estates and much more. The refund industry today is globally worth over $100 billion dollars. To review the refund consulting business program, you need to keep in mind that this is a cottage industry- so the opportunity is rife and fortunes can be made here. Myriam the refund industry founder says 'things work in tandem, the refund industry has gone through an amazing period where it has experienced a lot of growth, the future is brighter than ever' - as we review 18 years into the refund consulting program and this amazing industry- its easy to see industry players ticking bigger goals, at an unprecedented level.

Diana Review

Hi Myriam Diana Here! Trust you are well and had a great weekend. Just thought I'll give you an update on my refund business. First of all just like to thank you so much for making this business available to us. In all honesty, this is my best investment I have ever made! I've tried so many businesses and it just failed! I have huge dreams however just couldn't find the vehicle! and what do you know? Here it is! MY VEHICLE  Its right in front me of "THE REFUND CONSULTING PROGRAM"!  I love how detailed you made the business and the continuous support you provide! and I'm loving the 30 days update! It's incredible! Create Australia Refund Consulting Reviews - Diana Testimonial